


Is Detox Right for You?

It is an unfortunate fact that we live in a toxic world. Most of us are exposed to a litany of toxic substances from the air, water, and food we encounter on a daily basis. Those of us living in…

A New Revolutionary Water Purification Technology

As you may already know, the human body is composed of over 50% water! So it is easy to see why clean and pure water is so essential for optimal health.

Improve Your Mood With Fermented Food

Have you heard of the “microbiome?” The microbiome is the ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeast, fungi, and parasites, that live in and on the human body. These microorganisms can be found on your skin, in your mouth, and in…

Crispy Garlic Detox Broccolini

Detoxing is all about removing toxins and allergens from the diet and adding in more healing and nutritious food. This allows your body to focus on restoration and revitalization.

Top 10 Most Polluted U.S. Cities

Are you breathing clean air? Now you can find out.

7 Reasons to Detox for Summer

The long days of Summer are often filled with more activities than the cold and dark days of winter. This year you want to be feeling and looking your best so you can fully enjoy all that the season has…

Osteoarthritis Relief With Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Do you suffer from joint pain? Issues of joint pain, stiffness, and immobility are all becoming of increasing concern for millions of aging Americans.

Prostate Protection From Beta-Sitosterol

Prostate problems are extremely common in the United States. Statistics show that about 1 man in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate disease during their lifetime.

Yerba Mate: The Natural Coffee Alternative

Are you looking for an energizing and nutritious alternative to coffee that has less caffeine and more nutrients? Then yerba mate may be for you.

Rosemary Almond Keto Crackers

One of the challenges of a modified ketogenic diet is finding viable alternatives to traditional snack foods like chips and crackers. Luckily, we’ve compiled this ketogenic cracker recipe that is low on carbs but loaded with flavor. These are great…