Ketogenic Chicken Teriyaki
A quick, easy, low carb dinner solution that will satisfy your taste buds and help shrink your waistline.
Simple Detox Vegetable Soup
The most important part of a successful detox is to replace inflammatory and hard to digest foods with nourishing an easy to digest foods. When the digestive system is not bogged down by grains, meats, oxidized oils, or refined sugars,…
3 Antioxidant Rich Foods You Should Eat More Often
Do you want to lower inflammation, lose weight, have more energy, and prevent degenerative disease? Then you should probably eat more colorful fruits and vegetables.
Kelp: The Surprising Benefits of This Superfood Seaweed
Move over, leafy greens. There is a new superfood star on the scene!
Mediterranean Tuna Salad With Dijon Mustard Vinaigrette
By now, we all know how healthy the Mediterranean diet is. This diet is renowned as one of the healthiest in the world. Characterized by an abundance of fresh vegetables and tons of healthy fats such as the oleic acid…
Raspberry Mint Lemonade Morning Detox Drink
With Summer right around the corner, lemonade season is here! Unfortunately, most mass produced lemonade is made with processed ingredients and loaded with sugar and preservatives. That’s why we have devised an incredibly healthy and super delicious lemonade recipe that will…
Diet Soda Danger! New Study Finds Links to Stroke and Dementia
Many people have turned to diet sodas as a perceived healthier alternative to high fructose corn syrup sweetened drinks. Diet sodas are sugar-free and get their sweetness from chemicals such as aspartame, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium.
The Keto Diet: 5 Proven Benefits For Your Health
The keto diet has recently been exploding in popularity. Adherents claim effects ranging from weight loss, craving reduction, and blood sugar balance to cognitive enhancement and cancer treatment. There are athletes, celebrities, CEOs, and doctors all adopting this diet and…
Detoxifying Roasted Beet Salad With Strawberry Vinaigrette
The beet is definitely a super food. They are loaded with antioxidants that give them their characteristic deep purple color. These compounds help fight free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. Beets are also a good source of immune-boosting vitamin C, B6,…
Keto Coconut Flour Bread (Gluten-Free)
If you’ve been using Dr. Colbert’s modified ketogenic diet, then you already know how powerful it can be for weight loss. There are however certain foods that are restricted on the ketogenic diet that you may miss eating…like bread.