

Healthy Articles

Keto Braised Beef Short Rib

These bone broth braised beef short ribs are fall-off the bone delicious. But, in order for this recipe to be both healthy and delicious, you need to use grass-fed beef.

Dance Your Way to a Younger Brain

How often do you dance? If your answer is “not often,” then you may want to dust off your dancing shoes!

Beware: These Common Vegetables May Cause Inflammation

Did you know that the consumption of a certain family of vegetables called nightshades has been linked to inflammation and autoimmunity in sensitive individuals?

Eggs and Cholesterol: The Shocking Science

If there is one food that seems to be universally associated with high cholesterol it is the infamous egg.

How To Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

Do you have high cholesterol? If so, you are not alone! Around 50% of all American adults actually have elevated cholesterol levels. And it is a confusing condition to navigate since many doctors are unable to stay updated on the…

Grain-Free Keto Granola Bars

One of the most common concerns around adopting a keto diet is what to eat for a healthy low-carb snack.

Fight Dementia With This Healthy Beverage

A staggering 47 million people suffer from dementia worldwide. Another 9.9 million cases are diagnosed each year. This number is predicted to rise close to 75 million by 2030 and reach 132 million by 2050!

Can Generosity Make You Happier?

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” -Proverbs 11:25

Apple Quinoa Detox Salad

Quinoa, pronounced “keen-wah,” is a 7,000-year-old plant from the mountainous regions of South America. 

3 Proven Benefits of Citrus Bergamot

3 Proven Benefits of Citrus Bergamot Forget boring old lemons, limes, and oranges. Citrus bergamot is the most rare, exotic, and nutritious form of it citrus. Due to sensitivity to weather and soil conditions, it grows almost exclusively in the…