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Not Losing Weight on Keto? 7 Things to Try Today

If you’re in ketosis but still not losing weight on keto, it can be frustrating.

But usually, there’s a good reason for the plateau and some simple tweaks can get the scale moving again. Here are the top seven things to try.

1. Boost Fat and Watch Your Carbs

Make sure you’re eating within the Keto Zone macros:

  • 15% carbs, which comes out to 20 net grams or less for most people
  • 15% protein
  • 70% fat

Make sure extra carbs aren’t creeping in from keto foods that still contain them, such as higher-carb nuts or seeds, yogurts, cheeses, and other dairy products, or higher-carb vegetables.

These can add up during the day, so track your carbs carefully to be sure you’re staying within target.

On the flip side, make sure you aren’t eating too many fats. Although the keto diet is mostly fat, it’s best not to go above 80% of fat for total calories, which is about 150 grams per day.

This is especially important if your body is keto-adapted—meaning it’s been in ketosis for a while and has learned to burn fat for energy instead of carbs.

2. Start Fasting Regularly

Fasting regularly is a great weight loss tool.

Eating everything within a six- or eight-hour timeframe, such as between 10am and 6pm or 10am and 4pm (known as intermittent fasting), naturally reduces your calories while giving your body time to recover for the additional 16 or 18 hours.

It also ensures your body has time to use up all the food and tap into your fat reserves.

If fasting seems daunting, start small with just one day of intermittent fasting per week and work up.

3. Move Your Body More

If too many carbs or calories are a problem, exercise can help burn off the excess—although the goal should be to make dietary adjustments long-term.

The most efficient form of exercise is vigorous high-intensity interval training (HIIT), although any type is better than nothing!

4. Track Your Daily Calories

Counting calories isn’t normally necessary on keto because the high fat is satisfying and often prevents overeating.

But if weight loss has stalled for a significant period of time, you might want to track your calories for a few weeks to sure you’re not eating more calories than your body burns.

5. Kick-Start Ketosis with Instant Ketones

If you’re doing all of the above and still stalling, consider using Instant Ketones to provide your body with more fuel and encourage fat burning.

6. Measure By Inches, Not Just Weight

If the scale isn’t budging much, you might be losing inches instead.

This is especially common if you’re exercising. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you’re building lean muscle while losing fat, the scale might not change too much—but your body will.

Be sure to measure your body inches regularly to gauge progress.

7. Honor Your Hunger

Our world has an obsession with food we must break away from on the Keto Zone diet.

Acknowledge if you’re overeating on keto-friendly foods just to cover up an unhealthy food craving or food addiction. Make a point to eat only when you’re hungry and learn to feel when your body has had enough.

Make sure you’re well-hydrated too. It’s easy to mistake dehydration for hunger, so try drinking water before grabbing a snack if you feel hungry.

Try These If You’re Not Losing Weight on Keto

Make sure you’re doing these seven things, and above all, remember that any health change takes time. Pray on it, continue your good habits, and know that each day you’re getting closer to optimal health and wellness.


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