


One Step to Completely Change Your Health in 21 Days.

Want to change your health? Get rid of the sugar in your diet. It’s true. A 21 day sugar detox will support your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, body fat, brain health, mood, hormones, and more. The best part? It’s easy. In…

54 Grams Sugar in Your Favorite Holiday Drink? Try this Keto Recipe Instead

Back away from the drive-through. Turn your car around and head home. The Peppermint Mocha on the other side of that drive-up window may cost you much more than the $7 price tag. It may cost you over 1/4 cup…

This Common Food May Be As Deadly as Sugar

A worldwide food staple may be deadly. It may be on your dinner plate. Have you ever walked into your favorite restaurant, ordered beef and broccoli, with a side of a mound of sugar? Or, a sugar roll when indulging…

Is Yogurt Allowed On Keto Zone?

Is yogurt allowed on Keto Zone? If you tolerate dairy, a small amount of plain yogurt can fit into your diet. Yogurt is a great source of lactobacillus acidophilus — one of the most predominant healthy gut bacteria in the…

Independence Day Keto Zone Berries and Cream Dessert

Need a delicious, beautiful, quick and easy Keto Zone dessert to help you celebrate Independence Day? Of course, you do, and you’re in luck. This week, we’ve got Keto Zone Berries and Cream. It’s red, white, and blue, and completely…

Sugar Cravings on Keto? 10 Tips to Stop Them Now

After a lifetime of eating high-carb foods, you may experience some sugar craving on keto, at least initially. This is normal, but it’s no reason to quit. With these tips, you can stop sugar cravings on keto in their tracks,…

Top 10 Foods That Speed Up Aging

Can foods possibly expedite aging? Yes. There’s no question that foods and nutrients, or lack thereof, can “age” our cells and tissues. There are several ways foods and nutrients can speed aging. They can cause: Chronic Inflammation – Chronic inflammation…

Why is The Government Driving up the Cost of Stevia?

On January 1, 2017,  the Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax, or the “Soda Tax,” took effect in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.