

Healthy Articles

6 Easy Elegant Keto Dishes for an Easter Menu

Whether you’re getting together with family, friends, people from church, or having a more laid-back get-together, you can still bring ease and elegance with a Keto Easter Menu. You don’t have to go in on the candy and carbs. Instead,…

Sneezing Much? Fix Sinus Issues & Allergies Today

After a long winter, it is such a relief to enter into Spring! A relief, that is, unless you don’t find any relief due to allergies and sinus issues. In fact, if this is the case for you, you may…

Easter, Hope and Health. 5 Ways It’s All Connected

For Christians, Easter is a Holiday of an amazing hope. First, there was hope lost for early Christians when Christ was crucified. Then, unimaginable hope when they found Him resurrected! Now, we have the hope through Christ, for this life and…

Secret Ingredient Beyond Keto Chicken Salad

It seems about time to shift the cooking from warm-me-up winter foods to delicious, light, and fresh spring and summer foods! If you’re with us, here’s an amazing Beyond Keto Chicken Salad that’s sure to satisfy. Not only is it…

10 Surprising Signs I Need More Fiber & Easy Hacks to Get It

Think you’re getting enough fiber? You may be. However, many adults do not get enough. In fact, there are surprising signs you need more fiber, and these signs crop up in systems outside your digestive system! Your brain, bones, heart,…

Fingernail Health Can Hold Clues to Internal Health. What Do Yours Say?

Is it possible that your fingernails hold the secrets to your health? Can they show you nutrition deficiencies, underlying systemic issues, injuries, or toxic loads from medications? Amazingly, they hold clues into the mysteries that make up your overall health….

60-Second Triple Chocolate Mug Cake for Valentines

Ready for something simple? A delicious, healthy, triple chocolate mug cake that takes only 60 seconds? Yes, please! This Valentine’s Day, treat your own heart, and the hearts of your loved ones to this heart-healthy cake! Best of all? It’s…

Is Stress Damaging Your Heart? The Answer Will Surprise You

There is constant news about stress these days. Sometimes, it seems that the news about stress is enough to stress someone out. But, while some stress is just a part of life (even a healthy part) and too much is…

Sick of Feeling Sick? 5 Beyond Keto Immune Hacks to Try Now

This time of year, you need all the help you can get in fighting off colds and sickness. But, did you know? A high-sugar diet may impair your immune system. On the other hand, a Beyond Keto lifestyle, with healthy…

Want Lasting Change and Newness in the New Year? Here’s the Answer.

We talk a lot about making positive changes. These include eating a healthy diet, achieving a healthy weight, and taking care of your body from your head to your toes. But let’s be real, lasting change is hard. We’ve formed…