


6 Essential Food Groups For A Healthy Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. According the data collected by the Center for Disease Control, heart disease accounts for over 600,000 U.S. deaths annually. That is 1 in every 4 deaths!

Study Identifies Natural Gout Remedy With This Diet

A study published in the journal Cell Reports suggests that a ketogenic (high fat, low carb) diet may be helpful in treating the symptoms of gout.

Startling Investigation Finds Popular Restaurant Uses Fake Chicken

It may taste like chicken, but what’s really in your sandwich might surprise you. According to an investigation published by CBC News, the “chicken” used by at least one location of the fast food chain Subway contains only about 50%…

Live Longer By Including These Veggies In Your Diet

In case you needed a bit more motivation to head to the local farmer’s market this year, a new study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology shows decreased risk of premature death in individuals who consume 10 servings of…

Don’t Get A Divorce Until You Check This

You might be surprised to learn that a study conducted for AARP The Magazine found that women aged 40 to 60 initiate 66 percent of divorces! To top it off, 26 percent of men admitted that “they never saw it…

4 Beneficial Probiotics You Need In Your Diet

Did you know Fermented Green Supremefood provides four vitally important probiotics which deliver excellent health benefits to the body? These four probiotics consumed daily will improve one’s health while providing ongoing health reimbursements.

Dr. Colbert Shares His Secret For Burning Fat Fast

Dr. Don Colbert discusses the fastest way to burn fat. To sign up for Dr. Colbert’s Slender System for free, click here!   To sign up for Dr. Colbert’s Slender System for free, click here!

Dr. Colbert Breaks Down Supremefood

Dr. Colbert shares why he formulated Fermented Green Supremefood and how it helped heal his psoriasis. He breaks down supremefood and explains what makes Fermented Green Supremefood so special. For more information on Dr. Colbert’s Fermented Green Supremefood, contact us at 407-732-6952…

Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

This healthy butternut squash soup will keep you warm this season!

Dr. Colbert Discusses Reversing Diabetes

Dr. Don Colbert is the author of a book that guides you through reversing type 2 diabetes. Here he talks about the steps that can help accomplish this and avoid more serious health concerns down the road. For more information…