

Month: April 2014

What Does Your Body Odor Convey About You?

It is common for Americans to spend part of their day trying to free themselves of body odor by taking a shower and using deodorant. They also try smelling their armpits every now and then to ensure that there is…

Expired Foods That You Can Safely Consume

Expiry dates are printed on almost all food products you purchase from the market. We are all concerned about expiration dates and try consuming foods ahead of the date to prevent getting sick. However, you may be shocked to learn…

Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease With Low-Cost Foods

A recent study concluded that the consumption of at least one serving per day of lentils, peas, chickpeas and beans can help you lower your risk of developing heart disease. These foods, called pulses, are plant proteins and are widely…

High Fat Diet May Increase Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

A recent study indicates that women who consume a diet rich in saturated fats are at increased risk of developing various types of breast cancer. Let’s explore this in detail

Are You Using Antibacterial Soap Correctly?

Research indicates that most people using antibacterial soaps at home are not reaping their full benefits, mainly because they are using them incorrectly. To learn more about this in detail, read on.

Your Relationships Can Make You Fat

Life is not easy. You are often surrounded by criticizers, judgers, faultfinders, complainers, nit pickers and protestors wearing the cloak of friend, colleague or relative. Sometimes, you cannot ignore such relationships and it becomes necessary to maintain them. However, you…

Don’t Be Fooled. 8 Tips To Reading Food Labels

Today, most of the manufacturers create food labels in a way that give customers the impression that their foods are healthy. A recent Harris Interactive survey indicates that the majority of people in the US find these food labels useful…

Vegetarians: May Be Less Healthy and More Prone to Cancer and Allergies

A recent study revealed shocking facts about vegetarians. The study found that although vegetarians eat better and lead a healthy lifestyle and drink far less compared to meat eaters, they are not as healthy as expected.

Daylight Savings Time May Cause Heart Attacks

Recent research indicates that an hour of sleep is lost due to the change to daylight savings time increases the threat of heart attacks the subsequent Monday by approximately twenty-five percent compared to other Mondays during the year. In contrast,…

Top 10 Worst US Cities For Allergies

April has arrived and with it comes a pollen-filled spring season. Since spring is in the air, people sensitive to allergies will have begun to feel the allergy symptoms.