The Bible Cure for Sleep Disorders
When are you going to start taking care of yourself? Listen as Dr. Don and Mary Colbert asks this question to their listeners and reveals what causes many to be sleep-deprived. Find out how you can receive the quality sleep…
Deadly Emotions 2: Strife
Learn there is a strong emotional component between disease and the deadly emotions of envy and strife. Listen to Dr. Don and Mary Colbert break down what happens to your body when you live in strife. You will takeaway how…
Deadly Emotions 1: Offense
Learn the healthy side of how to deal with your emotions with Dr. Don and Mary Colbert. Listen to how deadly emotions is the root of most health issues. In this first part, the focus is on offense and the…
Stress Less Part 3: Identify Joy Stealers
In this final part to Stress Less, Dr. Don and Mary Colbert share what or who may be stealing your joy. Listen to hear how to be mindful of your thoughts, be less critical, and lice eternally minded. You will…
Pandemic Protection
Dr. Don and Mary Colbert address your questions, concerns, and what you can do to protect yourself during these uncertain times with COVID-19. Dr. Colbert shares his views from medical experiences and the research he has done. You will be…
Stress Less Part 2: Get in God’s Rhythm
Consistent stress can kill you but belly laughter will make you stronger! Listen and learn as Dr. Don and Mary Colbert shares facts and truths on how stress welcomes diseases in your body and how you can heal your body…
Stress Less Part 1: What Causes Stress
In this episode, Dr. Don and Mary Colbert start their new series on stress. Find out what the three key stages of stress are, how they affect your body and add margins in your life.
Gut Zone Power Tools
Listen as Dr. Don Colbert, along with co-host Mary Colbert, share the 5 Gut Power Tools for healing your gut from Dr. Colbert’s book, “Healthy Gut Zone.” You will be excited to hear there are healing starches you can eat.
Don’t Be To Clean: Common Gut Disease
Listen as Dr. Colbert explains why “being too clean” can be bad for your body along with his wife Mary Colbert.
Antibiotics Kill the Good Bacteria in Your Gut
Listen as Mary Colbert shares with you her story of struggles with inflammation, antibiotics, and sugar. You will learn how antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the gut. Then Dr. Don Colbert gives you preventive measures to help build good…