How to Overcome Tension Headaches Naturally (Headaches Part 2)
Tension headaches are different from migraines. Listen as Dr. Don and Mary Colbert explain the difference and the root causes of tension headaches. You will be surprised to learn even your posture can have an effect.
How to Overcome Migraine Headaches Naturally (Headaches Part 1)
Learn from Dr. Don and Mary Colbert what you can do naturally to combat migraine headaches. They reveal the causes of migraines, symptoms to look for, and steps to take to avoid triggers of headaches. You will not want to…
A Talk On Joy Unlike You Ever Heard
Get your fill with joy, laughter, and 20 belly laughs a day. Listen as Dr. Don and Mary Colbert share why joy and laughter are essential to your health, especially in today’s culture. Connect with Dr. Don Colbert and get…
Live Long and Strong
When your body is strong and healthy, you will live longer. Listen in as Dr. Don and Mary Colbert share how you can add years to your life. Hear stories of people living over 100 and the impact of faith…
Beyond Keto Pt. 3
Don’t lose your momentum in healthy living but be ignited with Dr. Don Colbert and his wife, Mary, as they talk about Dr. Colbert’s book “Beyond Keto.” Listen and be empowered to move into a healthier “you” with more on…
Beyond Keto Pt. 2
Start your year off with a commitment to healthy living and get in gear with Dr. Don Colbert and his wife, Mary, as they talk about Dr. Colbert’s book “Beyond Keto.” Listen and be empowered to move into a healthier…
Beyond Keto Pt.1
Start your year off with a commitment to healthy living and get in gear with Dr. Don Colbert and his wife, Mary, as they talk about Dr. Colbert’s book “Beyond Keto.” Learn how you can avoid heart disease, alzhemier’s, and…
Acid Reflux and What You Can Do to Prevent It?
Dr. Don and Mary Colbert address the issues surrounding acid reflux and why people suffer from it. Learn the top foods that cause it and what you can do naturally to help prevent it.
A Whole Natural Approach to Health
Find out how you can become naturally healthy after you listen to Dr. Don and Mary Colbert on the Greenelines podcast with host Dr. Dr. Steve Greene. The Colbert’s explain to focus on healing the whole body, even what impacts…
The Root Cause of Fibromyalgia and How to Be Healed
Fibromyalgia is painful and more women suffer from it. Listen as Dr. Don Colbert and his wife, Mary, discuss the causes of Fibromyalgia and how it is connected to your emotions. Learn what you can do to be pain-free and…