

Healthy Chocolate Recipes Chocolate Pudding
Healthy Articles Keto Zone Recipes

Keto Zone Velvety Chocolate Avocado Pudding

If you’re eating in the Keto Zone and miss chocolate pudding, we’ve got a great recipe for you.

This pudding is decadent, rich, and chocolatey.

In fact, it’s better than the original.

In addition, it’s packed with nutrition. It uses whole foods that are anti-inflammatory, good for brain, eye, heart, and whole-body health, and may even improve your skin.

Here’s how and why to eat our Keto Zone Decadent Chocolate Avocado Pudding today.

Keto Zone Velvety Chocolate Avocado Pudding


  • 1 cup full-fat coconut milk (canned)
  • 6 Tbsp. raw cacao powder
  • 6-8 Tbsp. Swerve or xylitol, to taste
  • 3 Tbsp. Keto Zone® Hydrolyzed Collagen powder (chocolate flavor)
  • 2 medium avocados
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt


Place coconut milk and cacao in a medium saucepan. Heat on medium and whisk until smooth. Remove from heat and stir in swerve and collagen until completely dissolved.

Transfer to blender or food processor. Add all other ingredients and blend until thoroughly mixed and smooth.  Chill at least 30 minutes.

Serves 4, ~3/4 cup each serving.

Nutrition information: 327 calories, 27 gm fat, 5 gm net carbs, 7 gm protein 

Keto Zone Avocado Pudding Packed with Nutrition

This avocado pudding is packed with whole-food ingredients that support health from your brain to the skin on your toes. Here’s what a serving of this delish dessert offers:


Cacao supports whole body health in many ways. It can improve:

  • Brain Function: Its flavonols cross the blood-brain barrier to affect health, serotonin levels, blood flow, cognition, and mood. (1).
  • Blood Pressure: Cacao’s nitric oxide is a vasodilator. By increasing the size of the vessels, it reduces the pressure in them. This has been found especially true in older adults and those with hypertension (23).
  • Energy & Sleep: One serving of cacao provides 100 mg of magnesium, ~25% of daily needs. Magnesium is typically deficient in adults. Adequate magnesium is associated with better energy, better sleep, fewer muscle cramps (including night cramps), and better overall health.
  • Oxidative Stress: Cacao is an antioxidant powerhouse. It contains 300 different antioxidant chemical compounds and more than 20 times the antioxidant power of blueberries. And while other foods antioxidants diminish with time, cacao has demonstrated stability in samples over 75 years old (4)!

Want the full story on cacao? See all cacao’s health benefits here.


Avocados are a whole-food with a mission to improve heart health and blood sugars. They improve:

  • Inflammation, Eye, and Brain Health: Avocados are stemming with carotenoids, much like brightly colored orange and red vegetables. These highly anti-inflammatory carotenoids directly support eye health and brain health (5).
  • Source of Health-Promoting Fiber: An avocado’s fiber can improve cholesterol, balance blood sugars, and promote digestive health.
  • Lean Weight and Heart Health: In food intake studies, participants that routinely eat avocados have been documented to have lower weight, lower BMI, and better heart health markers than non-consumers (6).
  • Glutathione Source and Production: This super-antioxidant is both consumed in foods and produced by our cells.   It promotes cellular health, anti-aging, and overall good metabolism and cellular cleansing.

Want to know more about avocados? See all of avocado’s health benefits here.

Hydrolyzed Collagen

Hydrolyzed Collagen supports the health of connective tissue in our bodies. This means a lot of benefits from us! They include:

  • Improved Skin Condition: In research, collagen has been shown to improve the appearance, texture, hydration, and glow of skin while reducing wrinkles.
  • Faster wound healing: Researchers have found that collagen supplementation produced quicker wound closure and better tissue regeneration at the wound site (7).
  • More Antioxidant Action: Our bodies and skin are under assault from oxidative stress from our environment (smoke, pollution, UV rays, etc.). Collagen increases the antioxidant activity in the skin to fight the stress and aging appearance (8).
  • Improved Digestion: Collagen supports digestive tract cells. It can improve digestion, thereby increasing the beneficial nutrients, fats and amino acids that reach the rest of our body.
  • Stronger Tendons and Ligaments: Collagen can improve the strength and healing of joint connective tissues including ligaments and tendons, and reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Read about all of collagen’s amazing skin benefits here.

Bottom Line:

You don’t have to go without while eating in the Keto Zone. You can have this no-guilt, velvety avocado pudding, stay low-carb, and get great nutrition.


  1. This is far the very best pudding recipe!!

    It is extremely satisfying and so much you can do with it I am going to be using it as a frosting on a chocolate keto cake!
    I did let it blend in the food processor a little longer than I thought I should just because my avocados weren’t as soft as they could be. It turned out to be extremely velvety and tasty


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