

Dr. Don Colbert

How You Store Your Fruits and Veggies May Effect Their Nutritional Value

Can storing fruits and vegetables in a dark cabinet or refrigerator lower their nutritional value? According to new research from Rice University and the University of California at Davis, there may be potential health benefits to storing fresh produce in…

7 Common Traits of Centenarians

“Blue Zones” are geographic and demographic areas of the world where people are most likely to live to be 100 or more. Dan Buettner, National Geographic author and explorer, was the first to identify 5 of these areas. They are…

A Key Indicator of Your Overall Health

Posture has always been viewed as a key indicator of overall health. We usually associate good posture with beauty, confidence, youth and vitality – and for good reason. According to the American Journal of Pain Management,

What Does Food, Friends and Thoughts Have in Common?

Who will you be 5 years from now? What direction are you moving in regarding overall health and well being? You have more control than you might think. As you journey toward the future, keep this in mind.

8 Tips to Improve Your Health

Being healthy doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. The little things you do over a lifetime add up, and they have a huge impact on your health. Much of your health depends on consistency and common sense. Here are…

Alzheimer’s – 7 Ways to Lower Your Risk

Alzheimer’s disease affects almost 40 million people worldwide, including over 5 million Americans. One in 8 people over age 65 are afflicted with this devastating brain disease. The number increases to nearly half for those over age 85. The primary…

5 Tempting Summer Foods to Avoid

It’s no longer true that summer means more exercise and healthier eating. One study found that kids gain weight three times faster over summer than they do the rest of the school year, thanks to a steady diet of junk…

Top 10 Dirtiest Places in Your Home

Even the cleanest homes have billions of germs, but some places in your home are far worse than others. In a recent germ study, microbiologists from National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) discovered

Stop Stressing! 7 Simple Tips to De-Stress

Did you know 43% of adults suffer from adverse health effects caused by stress? WebMD estimates that 75% to 95% of all doctors’ visits are stress related. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has even declared stress a hazard…

New Study: The Alzheimer’s & Pre-diabetes Connection

Georgetown University neurologist R. Scott Turner, MD, PhD, enrolled people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease into a nationwide study last year. Dr. Turned expected to find just a handful of participants with undiagnosed pre-diabetes, because all