

Keto Zone Recipes

Keto Zone Blueberry Vanilla Shake

You don’t always have time to cook a whole foods keto meal.

This is why we are sharing this quick and easy Keto Zone Shake recipe!

Loaded with healthy fat and protein, this keto shake recipe is both delicious and nutritious. And best of all, it will keep you full and satisfied for hours.

With a base of organic frozen blueberries, this shake is full of antioxidants and fiber to scavenge free-radicals and support healthy digestion.

Organic full-fat yogurt adds vitamins and minerals as well as probiotics to support gut health.

You no longer need to worry about not having time to make a tasty keto meal! Just throw together this amazing Keto Zone Blueberry Vanilla Shake so you can get on with your life.

Keto Zone Blueberry Vanilla Shake


1/4 cup organic frozen blueberries
1 cup organic low-carb, full-fat yogurt
1 scoop French Vanilla Keto Zone Shake
1 cup organic almond milk
1/4 teaspoon organic vanilla extract


  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a high powered blender.
  2. Pulse until ingredients are well combined.
  3. Pour into serving vessels.
  4. Enjoy!


Nutrition Facts

Yields: 2 servings

Per Serving:

Calories: 200 kilocalories

Fat: 10 grams

Total Carbohydrates: 10 grams

Fiber: 4 grams

Net Carbs: 6 grams

Protein: 12 grams




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