

Month: January 2014

Is Pot Dumbing Down America?

I am doing a segment with Bill O’reilly on the O’reilly factor about the potential negative side effects associated with smoking marijuana. This is a good opportunity for me to share my opinion on this matter. According to a 2012…

Three Remarkable Herbal Stress Busters To Eliminate Chronic Stress

Today, despite the availability of numerous technological gadgets that claim to make our lives easier, it is hard to relax. The tremendous pressure we face to cope with changing lifestyles has taken a toll on our health. When you are…

The Truth About Genetically Modified Ingredients Revealed!

Are you eating the right foods to remain healthy? Healthy foods can be treated as natural medicines for curing your ailments. Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Unfortunately, nowadays many natural crops are modified…

This New Pill May Help Treat Alzheimer’s

Studies suggest that more than 5 million Americans may have Alzheimer’s. Now there’s exciting and hopeful news for those, and others who may be at risk. A new drug that could reduce brain plaque by 90 % is being tested…