


10 Dangerous Ingredients in Supplements. Buyer Beware

For many people, supplements are a necessary addition to a healthy diet. They can deliver key nutrients, even in therapeutic amounts, to support whole-body and system-specific health. For example, most people have a very difficult time getting enough omega-3 fats…

8 Reasons to Add Spirulina to Your Diet Today

Want better heart health, more energy, cancer-fighting aid, and more? We all do. It may be time to add spirulina. Spirulina is a tiny algae organism that grows in both fresh and saltwater. It’s a type of cyanobacteria, often referred…

9 Common Sources of Toxic Hormone Disrupting Chemicals

You probably know that hormones play a vital role in regulating your physiology and promoting good health. But are you aware of the onslaught of synthetic chemicals in the modern environment that threaten the delicate balance of hormones in your…