


Metabolic Syndrome: The Best & Worst Foods to Eat

Metabolic Syndrome now affects 1 in 3 people in the United States (1). That’s a staggering number. Unfortunately, it increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and death. If you’re at risk of metabolic syndrome, it’s imperative to…

Keto Ginger Lime Fizz (Non-Alcholic)

It’s still hot out, and there’s still plenty of time for refreshing summer drinks. If you’re looking for a new healthful and flavorful one, try out Keto Ginger Lime Fizz. Here’s how to make it, and why you should. Keto…

All About Elephant Garlic & How To Make a Wellness Paste

If you like garlic but feel like it’s too strong to eat raw, elephant garlic may be for you. It’s always a great time to try a new superfood. Elephant garlic resembles huge garlic cloves weighing about 1 pound per…

10 Reasons to Eat Avocados – National Avocado Day

It’s National Avocado Day! If there was ever a food that deserved to be celebrated for an entire day, it’s the avocado. It’s delicious, nourishing, and filling. It’s used in delicate culinary creations and your favorite dip for chips. The…

10 Amazing Benefits of Walking

Did you know there’s a free habit you can incorporate into your daily routine that will help you maintain or obtain a healthy weight, support brain health and bone health, and help you sleep better? It’s walking! In fact, there…

Keto Ice Cream – 4 Ways

With only 3 days left of National Ice Cream Month, you’ve got no time to lose in making great keto ice cream. Luckily, it’s easy. You can make delicious low-carb ice-cream, in a variety of flavors, before the month (and…

6 Reasons You’re Not Getting Good Sleep & Why It’s Dire

It’s estimated that 50 to 70 million Americans have problems with getting good sleep. Are you one of them? Or, are you getting enough sleep each night; at least 7 hours, with much of it being deep sleep? If not,…

Best Keto Barbeque Sauce

If there’s one thing you need to do before the month of July is over, it’s master the Best Keto Barbeque Sauce. After all, July is National Grilling Month. And what better sauce to add to grilled favorites than keto…

7 Best Keto-Friendly Milk Alternatives & How To Fortify Them

If you’re eating and drinking in the Keto Zone, you’ve likely tried to find the best keto-friendly milk alternatives. You want ones that taste good, have a good mouthfeel, and that work well in the dishes or recipes you enjoy….

5 Verses for Those Who Feel Exhausted

If there’s one feeling a lot of people are expressing these days, it’s that they feel exhausted. Whether it’s from decision fatigue about school-aged kids going back to school, to sports, and to events, or fear, or just the overlying…