

Healthy Articles

Top 10 Most Polluted U.S. Cities

Are you breathing clean air?

Now you can find out.

The American Lung Association (ALA) has released their 2017 “State of the Air” report which reveals the areas of the country with the worst air quality due to particulate and ozone pollution.

“Ozone” refers to smog that develops high in the upper atmosphere due to the process of greenhouse gasses cooking in the sun’s heat.

The report was not good news for California.

The ALA’s list shows that California has 8 of the 10 most polluted cities in the country!

Despite the regulatory efforts to curb pollution, California’s high population and corresponding automobile use contribute to the worst overall air quality in the country.

So, without further ado, here is the list:

  1. San Luis Obispo, California
  1. Cleveland, Ohio
  1. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  1. El Centro, California
  1. Modesto, California
  1. Los Angeles, California
  1. San Francisco, California
  1. Fresno, California
  1. Bakersfield, California
  1. Visalia, California

Whether your city is on this list or not, it is likely you are breathing in some amount of pollution. This is why it is so important to regularly detox your body!


For expert guidance through the detoxification process, including videos and recipes, sign-up for Dr. Colbert’s 21-Day Detox Challenge for FREE today!



  1. http://www.lung.org/assets/documents/healthy-air/state-of-the-air/state-of-the-air-2017.pdf
  2. http://www.businessinsider.com/most-polluted-cities-in-us-2017-4
  3. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/04/19/report-reveals-most-polluted-cities-in-america/22046297/


  1. By faith I am writing this to connect and have someone agree with me. Please pray for me I am struggling with the Detox program. I am struggling emotionally and physically. I am not use to eating plant base diet. I have had IBS twice when I cheat such as eggs, toast, coffee. Mentally I get upset with myself because I want to stick to it and I find myself failing because I don’t have the discipline and the will power. I think this is too extreme. However, I have been on and off for two weeks and when I read and hear what this does it has everything that I need.
    A year ago at this time I had a major stroke and by the grace of God had limited side of affects. Anyway, I will try again tomorrow and ask the Lord to see me through. Since the stroke I was 161lbs and now I am 147. I need to lose 12 more lbs. But most of all I need to feel and restore, build, and be renewed in my body, and mind. I am a Christian. I have been struggling with food for 30 years now and I’m tire. I pray that I keep my mind on the Lord. For him to give me strength, discipline and self control. Thank You so much for the work you are doing. I tell myself if you can do it with everything you have suffered, so can I. Tomorrow is a new day.


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