

Month: June 2024

Fiber Zone Breakfast Pudding for Gut Health

Start your day with a delicious and nutritious Berry Fiber Zone Breakfast Pudding. Packed with Divine Health’s Fiber Zone (Berry Flavor), Greek yogurt, chia seeds, and fresh berries, this recipe supports gut health and provides a tasty boost of fiber….

Heaven is Real: Groundbreaking Near-Death Experience Studies Provide Unforgettable Proof

Proof of Heaven: Insights from Near-Death Experiences As a physician and a believer in the existence of God, Jesus Christ and a heavenly realm, I find the extensive research on near-death experiences (NDEs) profoundly compelling. Dr. Jeffrey Long, a radiation…

8 Ways Fathers Can Take Care of Their Heart

Maintaining a healthy heart is essential for overall well-being and longevity. As fathers, it’s crucial to adopt heart-healthy habits that not only benefit us but also set a positive example for our families. Dr. Don Colbert, a proponent of integrative…