


Winter Blues? 3 Ways to Fight Seasonal Depressed Moods & Feel Great

Are you one of the millions of adults who feels more “down” than usual during the winter months? For some, it’s a minor mood shift. For others, it can be a full-blown season of sadness, overwhelm, anxious feelings, and depressed…

Fats That Heal vs. Fats That Kill. Do You Know the Difference?

It’s not hyperbole. In many foods you eat, there are fats that heal, and there are fats that kill. Some dietary fats promote systemic inflammation, artery plaques, and disease. Some dietary fats fight inflammation, fight oxidative stress, and promote health…

Krill Oil is Superior Against The Inflammation in Your Body

You’ve heard of the many amazing health benefits of omega-3s. You’ve heard how it fights against inflammation and supports overall health. But, what if there was an omega-3 source that went far beyond all the others? What if it were…

Forget the Winter Blues. New Recommendations of Omega-3s for Depression

Finally, recommendations are catching up with what many practitioners have known for years. Omega-3s can help psychological disorders. Specifically, we can use omega-3s for depression, at least adjunctly with other treatments. Why is this news now? Just this month, the…