

Healthy Articles Keto Zone Recipes

Are You Eating Garlic Wrong? Get the Most Garlic Health Benefits

Garlic is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. But, have you been eating it all wrong?

And, have you been eating enough?

With our Keto Zone Slow-Cooked “Roasted” Garlic, you can get the most garlic health benefits.

It’s easy to add our cooked and more mild, sweet, delicious cloves to salads, soups, meats, and more. In fact, you’ll want to add them to foods every day.

Here’s how to get all the garlic health benefits, how to cook garlic, and what your body will get when you do:

Keto Zone Slow-Cooked “Roasted” Garlic Cloves


  • whole garlic bulbs, 6-8
  • olive oil
  • fresh cracked pepper
  • salt (coarse if available)


  1. Place the heads of garlic on cutting board, and cut off tops across all cloves (cut off “pointy” end) so that all cloves are exposed.
  2. Place the cut garlic heads on one large layer of aluminum foil.
  3. Drizzle cloves with olive oil, about 1 teaspoon on each, and, and sprinkle with salt & pepper.
  4. Fold the foil loosely around garlic, forming a foil tent.
  5. Place in slow cooker and cook on low setting for 8 hours.
  6. Squeeze or pick garlic out of skins and add to foods each day.
  7. To store, place cooked cloves in a jar with an air-tight lid. Cover with olive oil. Store in refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Serving size: ~4 cloves, recipe makes ~18-24 servings.

Nutrition info (per serving): 54 calories, 5 gm fat, 2 gm net carbs, 0 gm protein

Proven Garlic Health Benefits

Olive oil-soaked, slow-cooked garlic is a great Keto Zone whole food that offers many health benefits. Beyond its great taste, it will support your body’s health from your heart to your toes. Here’s how.

Cardiovascular Health

First, garlic can lower blood triglycerides and total cholesterol, at least moderately. What’s more, it’s highly anti-inflammatory and a strong antioxidant, which means less damage to blood vessel cells (where plaques get lodged and do damage), less oxidative stress, and more healing (1).

Since “bad cholesterol” must go through an oxidative process to enter artery walls, garlic’s antioxidants reduce plaque formation.

Antibacterial and Antiviral Benefits

Garlic’s compounds are both antibacterial and antiviral in the body. They can reduce infections in our mouths, throats, stomachs, and GI tracts. In fact, garlic has been shown to reduce yeast overgrowth.

Cellular Detoxification

Garlic has a vast set of sulfur-containing compounds that reduce both oxidative stress and inflammation. Sulfur also promotes all stages of cellular detoxification. Together, these attributes work to protect our heart, our vessels, and our cells.

Immune Function

Study after study concludes that garlic is an effective immune booster. It’s known to kill mycobacterial strains. In fact, its active compound allicin kills various microorganisms.

New lab studies show that it is even effective to help treat antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, including those that cause tuberculosis. That’s some strong food-as-medicine (2).

Cancer Prevention

Like many other fruits and vegetables, allium vegetables like garlic have strong anti-cancer properties. In longitudinal studies, high intake of garlic is associated with reduced amounts of almost all cancers, (except breast and prostate, interestingly).

Garlic’s sulfides (once again) likely play the largest role in cancer prevention. These compounds activate a molecule in cells that triggers many metabolic activities, including programmed cell death, in the cell nucleus when something’s gone array (such as overgrowth in the case of cancer and tumors) (3).

More Garlic Health Benefits

In addition, garlic supports gut health, reducing the incidence of H. Pylori and subsequence ulcers promotes healthy blood sugars, and may even enhance the nutrient absorption of other foods.

How Much Garlic?

For most healthy adults who tolerate garlic, the more the merrier. Since they are a blood thinner, it’s important to discuss intake with your doctor if you increase it significantly.

For the above health benefits, most studies are based on the equivalent of 18 cloves or so per week. This is easy as pie once you have them slow cooked.

Why Low-Temp Cooked or Raw? 

When it comes to vegetables, cooking is tricky. Some nutrients become more bio-available (easily-absorbed) when cooked. Some are destroyed.

In the case of garlic, the less heat the better. In fact, those wonderful sulfur compounds are diminished with heat, losing potency above 250 degrees Fahrenheit (4). They really suffer above 350 degrees. Traditionally roasted garlic is cooked at 450+ degrees or higher.

Of course, any garlic is better than no garlic. But, since our low-temp slow-cooked garlic stays right around 200 degrees, it offers the most benefits. This means more amazing nutrients with all the delicious, creamy roasted garlic flavor.

Bottom Line

It’s easy to add whole nutrient-packed garlic cloves, almost raw, to meals every day with Keto Zone Slow-Cooked Garlic Cloves. This means more cardiovascular health, immune health, cellular detoxification, bacteria fight, and more for you.



  1. Isn’t using aluminum foil bad for our health? I quit using it many years ago because of the link to Alzheimer’s. Also, what if you dont have a slow cooker? I dont. Can you give alternative cooking directions?

    • Hi Sarah, There are mixed opinions on aluminum foil, but it’s great to avoid it if that’s your preference. Try placing the garlic in a pie pan, and then covering it with an oven-safe lid or another pie pan so it’s contained inside. Then, simply cook it in 200 deg F oven for 8 hours. I’d love to hear how it goes!

        • Hi Carol, Thanks for the question. You could certainly try it. I would fear they may dry out during cooking w/ more air space in the slow cooker, but they may be just fine. Let us know!

  2. I have been on the reds/greens for over a month. Rotating meat/fish/chicken/ham every four days. No sugars. Only 1/2 cup gluten free organic granola for breakfast. Two egg yolks per week. Blueberries, organic applesauce, a few white grapes (once a week) and 1 cup of coffee. A half cup humus at dinner with celery sticks or a half cup gluten free crackers. Haven’t lost an ounce. I’m recovering from cancer surgery and still over a year later still easily tire. I will reread the book to see where I’m going wrong. Oh the ‘South Beach Diet says it is ‘keto’ friendly does that mean its safe??? Also, are Jim Bakkar’s buckets Keto safe? Thanks. Lucia (Oh, I’m having a bit of a problem with my right kidney…….is there a special diet besides having low blood pressure and eating low to no salt. (I never add more than a dash of salt if any.)

    • Hi Lucia, Thank you for the question. Are you using the Keto Zone book? In terms of Keto Zone, your daily carbs may simply be adding up too high each day. Aim for 20 grams of net carbs most days (this is grams of carbs minus grams of fiber). Double check your labels for crackers, hummus, and granola (this is typically a high carb food). Remember, even if gluten-free, it can still be too high in carbs. Make sure to add a lot of healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil, MCT oil, and more to add needed calories. You’ll find a lot of recipes on this site and on http://www.ketozone.com. We are also currently doing a 21 day Keto Zone Challenge – completely free and you can find more info here: https://ketozone.com/challenge/ It may really help! Take care!

    • HI Lucia,

      If you are facing kidney issues, we recommend you to visit a health provider and take his suggestion.I hope this helps!

  3. I love garlic, and would like to try your slow cooked garlic, it sounds great. Unfortunately l don’t have a slow cooker. Is there another way to prepare the garlic?


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