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5 Powerful Properties of Pineapple

Pineapple is not just a delicious tropical fruit with a striking and memorable appearance. It is also a nutritional powerhouse with a wide variety of therapeutic and medicinal properties. Named for its resemblance to pine cones, pineapple is known to be grown in Hawaii but is actually native to Brazil and Paraguay.

Here are 5 powerful properties of this unique and tasty tropical treat:

Boosts Digestion

Rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, pineapple can help prevent constipation, IBS, and diarrhea. Not only that, but pineapple is especially rich in a protein digesting enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain is largely responsible for the tenderizing properties of pineapple. This is the reason why pineapple has traditionally been used as a marinade for pork and other meats. Including pineapple with a meal can potentially reduce indigestion, bloating, and sluggishness.

Improves Immunity

One single serving of pineapple contains a whopping 130% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C! Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is known to stimulate the immune system and activate white blood cell activity. A known antioxidant, vitamin C has been shown in studies to help neutralize harmful free radicals. Vitamin C also facilitates the growth of connective tissue and the production of collagen, which can help speed up the healing process of wounds.

Supports Healthy Blood Pressure

Pineapple is a rich source of vital minerals including potassium. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, less than 2% of adults in the U.S. get the recommended amount of potassium from their diet. Potassium has been shown to play a critical role in supporting healthy blood pressure. This is because potassium acts as a vasodilator, meaning that it can ease stress and tension in the blood vessels thus increasing blood circulation to various parts of the body. Relaxed blood vessels lead to less restricted blood flow which can prevent clots from forming.

Manages Arthritis

One of the most widely known therapeutic uses of pineapple is for the reduction of inflammation in joints and muscles, particularly in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. These anti-inflammatory effects are attributed to the same protein digesting enzyme bromelain that is responsible for pineapples meat tenderizing capabilities.

Promotes Healthy Skin

There are a number of ingredients in pineapple that contribute to radiant and youthful skin. Just one cup of pineapple supplies up to 70% of the recommended daily value of manganese, a nutrient crucial to the health of the skin. As mentioned earlier, pineapple contains ample amounts of vitamin C which stimulates collagen formation. Collagen is one of the most important building blocks of the skin and plays an important role in its elasticity and vitality.


Due to the incredible health promoting properties of this super fruit, Dr. Don Colbert made sure to include pineapple in his Organic Red Supremefood formula with 8 other anti-aging superfruits and added probiotics.





  1. I enjoy pineapple every day and just learn something new I also have arthritis and ms so thank you for the info


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