

Month: January 2019

10 Tips to Stay on Track with New Year’s Resolutions

Are you setting goals and resolutions for 2019? Is motivation carrying you into the New Year? This can be great. However, each year millions set New Year’s Resolutions and only a small percentage are still working toward them by the…

Mediterranean Keto Omelette

Eggs are one of the most complete and healthful keto foods available. After years of being demonized for their cholesterol content, these nutrient dense powerhouses have finally been vindicated. In fact, the USDA has taken cholesterol off of the the list of “nutrients of…

Simple And Delicious Keto Garlic Pate

Did you know that beef liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat on a ketogenic diet? There is a reason that so many of our grandparents cooked liver and onions! The liver is an organ meat (offal) that has been…

Turkey Bacon Parmesan Brussels Sprouts

Can you really eat bacon as a healthy part of a ketogenic diet? Yes! You most certainly can, as long as it is turkey bacon! Despite the negative reputation, organic turkey bacon is actually a very nutrient dense food. It is important to remember, however, that processed…

Keto Zone Zucchini Enchilada Rolls

When you’re on a ketogenic diet most tex-mex food is off the menu. Unfortunately, typical tex-mex food is made with high carb grains like wheat, rice, and corn as well as inflammatory oils like vegetable, canola, and corn oil. But this doesn’t mean…