

Sinus Health Before Allergy Season
Healthy Articles

#1 Action to Support Sinus Health Before Allergy Season

Allergy season is coming. Are your sinuses ready? They’ve likely been battling colds and viruses for months, and now Spring is on the horizon. What’s the #1 action you can take to improve sinus health? 

There are many things you can do. However, most of them serve as a band-aid more than targeting the root of the problem. Today, we have a real tool that supports full body health while targeting sinus health.

In addition to the #1 action, here are nine other healthy tips, why allergies and sinus issues are so challenging, and what you can expect for a holistic approach that supports body health, sinus health, and home health.

Why Sinuses Suffer

According to the CDC, more than 50 million Americans now suffer from allergies and sinus issues each year (1). 

Most sinus issues first begin due to a cold, congestion, or allergen. Sinusitis, or inflammation of the sinus cavities, often results as mucus blocks the sinuses and vessels become dilated due to inflammation. If these problems continue to fester, the risk of sinus infections increases.

Common sinus issues include sinus blockages, deviated nasal septum, narrow sinuses, and sinus allergies (2).

While it can be daunting to face cold & flu season, then an increase in pollen in the spring, there are steps you can take to overcome sinus issues and improve sinus health.

#1 Action to Improve Sinus Health

As a first defense, start supplementing with nutrients that specifically support sinus health. These supplements include vitamins, amino acids, anti-inflammatory compounds and more.

You can find all of them in Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Sinus Formula, which delivers an all-in-one supplement for sinus health. It’s vital to consistently get these nutrients into your system, ahead of allergy season – so start now!

More Practices to Improve Sinus Health & Allergy Symptoms

Your Diet

1. Add Probiotics Each Day

Probiotics and Fermented Foods can also reduce whole-body inflammation to support sinus health. How? 

Amazingly, the health of your digestive system affects sinus health. 

In fact, one study of 173 people who suffer from seasonal allergies found that taking a daily probiotic with lactobacillus strains significantly improved their “quality of life” scores from baseline to peak pollen compared to a placebo group (3).

It is hypothesized that probiotics can improve the quality of life of seasonal allergy sufferers by increasing the percentage of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and improving allergen tolerance.

2. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Avoid Processed Inflammatory Foods

Whole-body health also influences sinus health. Your diet directly affects inflammatory vs. anti-inflammatory reactions in the body. 

To increase anti-inflammatory actions, which support sinus health, eat anti-inflammatory foods.

These include: 

On the other hand, it’s crucial to avoid highly inflammatory processed foods. Avoid foods and drinks high in sugar, refined grains, and cheap oils such as soybean oil

Studies have shown that those with seasonal allergic reactions and asthmatic allergies actually have higher underlying inflammation even when they are not showing symptoms (4). Therefore, many experts believe reducing overall inflammation may improve asthmatic and allergic conditions.

You can find a full plan in Dr. Colbert’s Beyond Keto Zone® Book

3. Try a Daily Dose of Raw Cider Vinegar

There are 2 ways raw apple cider vinegar can support sinus health:

  • In lab tests, scientists have found that the bacteria in raw vinegar can actually improve immune factors and protect from an allergic reaction (5).
  • Apple cider vinegar is a natural decongestant, and it causes your sinuses to drain when you drink it. While the relief is temporary, it is effective and reduces the risk of clogged sinuses becoming infected.

What’s more, unlike medication decongestants, you are not at risk of rebound congestion, which can occur with long-term use of decongestants and results in worsening symptoms.

How should you take it? ALWAYS dilute apple cider vinegar. Taken straight, it can damage your esophagus. Instead, mix 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 4 oz. water, 1/2 tsp ginger, ½ tsp cinnamon, and stevia to taste. Take 2-3 times per day during allergy season.

At the Site: In the Sinuses

4. Try All-Natural Sinus Sprays

At most stores and pharmacies, you can find nasal sprays with simple ingredients like baking soda, salt, xylitol, and purified water.

These sprays flush out your nasal passages. When used a few times per day they can ease allergy symptoms, especially if you begin using it proactively before strong symptoms begin.

Keep Your House Clean

5. Leave Shoes Outside or Tucked Away

Shoes have a way of trapping pollen on them and then depositing it all over your floor surfaces if worn inside.

Instead, remove them at the door and leave them out.

6. Close Windows & Doors During High Pollen

Especially if you live in an area with high pollen counts, keep windows and doors closed.

Pollen blows around most in the Spring, and typically in the early hours of the day. Keep windows and doors closed to avoid pollen blowing inside.

Instead, use an air conditioner or cooler if it is too warm. Make sure to change the old filters as they will most likely be full of dust, pollen, and mold.

Installing an air purifier with a HEPA filter will also help to remove allergens from the interiors.

7. Keep Your Floors, Fans, Filters, & Counters as Clean as Possible

Dust mites also cause many allergy symptoms.

Dusting regularly, vacuuming and using a HEPA filter, and washing floors and surfaces regularly can help reduce seasonal allergies and symptoms.

Skin & Body Care

8. Take a Shower & Change Clothes after Being Outdoors

Clothes and hair are pollen magnets, so take them off and rinse as soon as possible!

Instead of dragging the pollen inside and sitting it in, shower and change.

9. Get Rid of Pollen Before Climbing into Bed

Consider showering before bed, changing pillowcases daily, and sheets regularly. If you go to bed with pollen in your hair, it can stay on your pillowcase for days. Then, you’re essentially sleeping in pollen!

Keep these soft surfaces as clear of pollen as possible to  get a good night sleep and wake up feeling better rather than worse.

Bottom Line

Cold and flu season is almost over, but we have to face allergy season next. Are you prepared? Try Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Sinus Formula and use our tips to support sinus health and feel your best this spring!


  1. Thank you, excellent information God bless you this helps me not only with myself but other family members that may be struggling with sinus issues.


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