

Month: February 2013

5 Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Alzheimer’s

A recent study suggests the number of Alzheimer’s patients could triple by the year 2050. The rise is being attributed to a combination of a true increase in cases and greater detection of the disease. Dr. Murali Doraiswamy, a professor…


Top 4 Ways to Reprogram Your Metabolism

Gone are the days of blaming your metabolism! Contrary to popular belief, your metabolism is not something beyond your control, or hard to change. “Your metabolism is not fixed,” explains diet coach and author, Kimberly Willis, PhD. “It can change…


Shopping for Supplements? Follow 4 Important Steps

Manufacturers of supplements are responsible for ensuring that the claims they make about their products aren’t false or misleading, and that they’re backed up by adequate evidence. However, savvy consumers know they should not just rely on a product’s marketing….


Watch Out for New Fake Foods!

If you truly are what you eat, then you might be having an identity crisis – and don’t even know it! On January 23rd, the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) issued its annual findings on food fraud, and nearly


This Breakthrough Will Change the Way You Age

Thanks to her research on telomeres (a tiny part of your cellular machinery) Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD, unlocked a hugely important clue to human health, earned a 2009 Nobel Prize, and continues to hold the medical world’s attention with her breakthrough,…


4 New and Unique Ways to Reduce Stress

Everyone knows the usual ways to reduce stress, but how about trying some unusual ways to reduce stress? After all, the more stress management techniques you have at your disposal, the less stressed you’ll be.


How to Stay Healthy While Fasting

While there are many reasons and traditions relating to fasting, any such activity should never be taken lightly, or without proper preparation. As always, consult with your physician beforehand, and remember these five healthy guidelines for fasting.


Getting Enough Sleep? Try These 3 Tips

Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind and more. However, with so many factors that interfere with a good night’s sleep – from pressure at work and family responsibilities to…